2022年03月18日 6 分钟

7 Inspiring App Onboarding Examples That Will Help You Retain Users

You can improve user retention in the first post-install days. In this article, we will share seven proven ways to increase retention through improved onboarding.

2022年01月14日 8 分钟

7 Strategies to Improve In-App User Retention

7 strategies that can reliably help increase retention for different types of apps.

2021年8月30日 11 分钟

The Quest to Retain Users | 5 Strategies to Retain Players in Mobile Games

5 tried-and-tested methods to boost player retention: rewards, tutorials, push notifications, friends and community, and more!

2021年8月26日 13 分钟

Retention 101: Learning How Well Your App Can Retain Users

Here's all you need to know about retention in apps: retention rate benchmarks, retention across different app categories, how to calculate and interpret your app retention rate, and more!

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